First contact

Would you like to receive further information about our products?

Please email us at:

Or phone to:

+39 035 467524 (Italy)
+39 035 467553 (Export)

We will be glad to satisfy any of your curiosity or enquiry.

Bolis S.p.A.

Via Sarma, 6
24030 Presezzo (Bergamo) - Italy
[map] by Google Maps

+39 035 467511 (Phone)
+39 035 618679 (FAX)

Sales and customer services

(Export area A)

(Export area B and Italy direct)




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Legal Seat

Offices - Creativity - Manufacturing - Weaving

Via Sarma 6
24030 Presezzo (BG) - Italy
[map] by Google Maps

Film Extruding

Film extruding - Warehouse

Via Giovanni XXIII 60
24036 Ponte San Pietro (BG) - Italy
[map] by Google Maps

Film Processing

Printing - Metallization - Warehouse

Via Ghiaie 6
24030 Presezzo (BG) - Italy
[map] by Google Maps

Gift Wrapping Paper

Printing - Manufacturing

Via San Giacomo 42
30098 San Martino al Tagliamento (PN) - Italy
[map] by Google Maps


Warehouse - Shipping

Via Sarma 6
24030 Presezzo (BG) - Italy
[map] by Google Maps

Bolis SpA - Brands - Code of conduct - Privacy - Confidentiality notice - Copyright © 060225.00.00
Sede legale: Via Sarma 6 - 24030 Presezzo (Bergamo) - Italia - Cap. Soc. Euro 1.528.527 i.v.
Registro Imprese di Bergamo - C.F. e P.IVA IT00229560164 - REA 42732 - GTIN/EAN 8001565[00000-99999][0-9] - LUCID DE3444165390580
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