1. Purposes of data processing

    Personal data are collected and processed for the exclusive purpose of performing the fulfillments related to our company business and especially for:

    • complying with the needs deriving from the drafting of contracts

    • executing contractual obligations with the counterparty

    • executing contract related obligations with Private or Public entities

    • complying with obligations set forth by the law.

  2. Procedures of data processing

    Data processing is carried out either manually or electronically, in accordance to the aforesaid purposes and in full compliance with the measures of security and confidentiality set forth by Regulation (EU) 2016/679. The processing is not subject to automated decision making (profiling).

  3. Nature of the data storage

    Storage of personal data must be considered as mandatory, when it is required to comply with law and tax fulfillments arising from the business relationship.

  4. Period of data storage

    Personal data will be stored for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data are collected or subsequently processed.

  5. Right of the data subject

    Articles 15-18 give the data subject the following rights:

    • receive from the data holder confirmation of the existence or absence of his personal data and a copy of them (if required)

    • be informed of the source of the data as well as the goals and procedures of their processing

    • obtain the cancellation, modification, transformation into anonymous form or block of data processed unlawfully

    • object on legitimate grounds to the processing of his personal data.

  6. Communication and disclosure

    Personal data and their processing will be neither communicated nor disclosed to third parties except in the cases set out by the mentioned Regulation and in accordance with its provisions. Especially personal data will not be transferred to third countries.

  7. Person in charge of the processing

    The holder of the data processing and storage is the underwriting company, in person of its pro tem representative.

  8. Cookie

    This website uses only technical cookies necessary to ensure a correct functioning of its pages. More info about cookie.

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